Circassian Dictionary


Welcome to our dedicated platform for preserving the Circassian language! Our mission is to keep this rich linguistic heritage alive by offering access to over 30 comprehensive dictionaries. These dictionaries facilitate translations between Circassian and major languages including Russian, English, Arabic, and Turkish.

Our collection spans both Western and Eastern Circassian, enabling translations to and from Turkish, English, Russian, and Arabic. We aim to assist Circassians from all over the world in understanding advanced Circassian texts such as newspapers, Nart Saga stories, articles, and more.

Explore our website to immerse yourself in the beauty and complexity of the Circassian language, and join us in our endeavor to ensure its survival for future generations.

List of dictionaries used: 35

Supporting Languages: Kbd, En, Ady, Ar, Tu & Ru

Jonty Yamisha's Kabardian to English dictionary 2

From: Kbd - To: En

Entries Count: 9526

Adel abdulsalam lash

From: Ady - To: Ar

Entries Count: 12978

Jonty Yamisha's Turkish to Kabardian dictionary

From: Tu - To: Kbd

Entries Count: 3931

Тхьаркъуахъо (1991)

From: Ady - To: Ru

Entries Count: 8636

Adam Shagash's English to Adyghe Dictionary (2020)

From: En - To: Ady

Entries Count: 6250

Jonty Yamisha's Kabardian to Turkish dictionary

From: Kbd - To: Tu

Entries Count: 4012

Одэжьдэкъо (1960)

From: Ru - To: Ady

Entries Count: 31322

Адыгэбзэ-инджылыбзэ гущы1алъэ

From: Ady - To: En

Entries Count: 3821

Блэгъожъ (1991)

From: Ru - To: Ady

Entries Count: 3476

Adam Shagash's Adyghe to English Dictionary (2020)

From: Ady - To: En

Entries Count: 6445

Jonty Yamisha's Kabardian to Russian dictionary

From: Kbd - To: Ru

Entries Count: 10728

Хъуажь Circassian to Turkish (2007)

From: Ady/Kbd - To: Tu

Entries Count: 22664

Хъуажь Turkish to Circassian (2007)

From: Tr - To: Ady/Kbd

Entries Count: 23176

Т1эшъу (1991)

From: Tu - To: Ady

Entries Count: 12109

Ziwar Gish's English to Kabardian dictionary

From: En - To: Kbd

Entries Count: 7178

Ziwar Gish's Kabardian to English dictionary

From: Kbd - To: En

Entries Count: 7664

Simple English to Adyghe dictionary

From: En - To: Ady

Entries Count: 3056

Jonty Yamisha's Russian to Kabardian dictionary

From: Ru - To: Kbd

Entries Count: 12509

Урыс-адыгэ школ псалъалъэ (1991)

From: Ru - To: Kbd

Entries Count: 9743

Къардэн (1957)

From: Kbd - To: Ru

Entries Count: 19468

Jonty Yamisha's English to Kabardian dictionary

From: En - To: Kbd

Entries Count: 10757

Jonty Yamisha's Kabardian to Arabic dictionary

From: Kbd - To: Ar

Entries Count: 4011

Jonty Yamisha's Kabardian to English dictionary

From: Kbd - To: En

Entries Count: 10728

Jonty Yamisha's Kabardian to Russian dictionary 2

From: Kbd - To: Ru

Entries Count: 9524

Amjad Jaimoukha's Kabardian to English dictionary

From: Kbd - To: En

Entries Count: 17127

Kabardian to Russian & English

From: Kbd - To: En

Entries Count: 26267

Шэрджэс Алий - Яхуэмыфащэу лъэныкъуэ едгъэза псалъэхэр (2009)

From: Kbd - To: Ru

Entries Count: 3814

Адыгабзэм изэхэф гущы1алъ (2006)

From: Ady - To: Ru

Entries Count: 15139

Адыгэ-урыс псалъалъэ (2012)

From: Kbd - To: Ru

Entries Count: 27268

Ибрагим Алхаз Абазэ (2005)

From: Tu - To: Kbd

Entries Count: 12350

Адыгабзэм изэхэф гущы1алъ томищ мэхъу (2011)

From: Ady - To: Ru

Entries Count: 33490

Ацумыжъ Хилми (2013)

From: Tr - To: Ady

Entries Count: 26111

Еджап1эм папщ1э урыс-адыгэ псалъалъэ (2013)

From: Ru - To: Kbd

Entries Count: 20639

Адыгабзэм изэхэф гущы1алъ (1960)

From: Ady - To: Ru

Entries Count: 15360

Адыгэ-урыс псалъалъэ (2008)

From: Kbd - To: Ru

Entries Count: 27267